Saturday 27 August 2011

Pauline Quirke Size of Sumo

Pauline Quirke size of sumo- The actress Pauline Quirke has now revealed the fact that what motivated her to lost an astonishing 7st 3lb weight in just eight months. She thought that she was the size of a sumo and putting her health at risk when she saw a television programme about sumo wrestlers. She determined herself that she had to lose weight and she did it in just eight months. She is delighted with her new look.
She told the Daily Mail: "I'd watched a programme about sumo wrestlers a few days before which said one of them tipped the scales at 20 1/2 stone. I thought, 'That's a lot of weight.' Then, the following week, I got on the scales and they said 19st 6lb. I thought, 'That can't be right', so got off, got on, got off again, twiddled the knob. It was definitely 19st 6lb."
She even went out and bought a new pair of scales, but when they confirmed her weight she realised she had to act.
"I was the size of a sumo wrestler. That was a real shock, " she says. "I thought, 'I've got to deal with this.' Call it what you want, but when you're 19st 6lb, technically that's morbidly obese."Pauline, who is now a size 14-16, lost the weight by following the LighterLife programme - a low-calorie diet plan along with counselling sessions to change perceptions of food.
"People say everyone puts it back on and of course I will if I go back to eating the way I was before," Pauline admits. "I can't. That's what I've learned. Unless people hold me down and force-feed me a kebab, the weight won't go back on."
As a result of her weight, Pauline had to have a hip replacement at the age of 49, suffered from back pain, sore knees and couldn't manage to cross her legs.Nevertheless, Pauline insists that she wasn't unhappy.
"I wasn't miserable being that size," she says. "It's important for people to realise that if your life is pants it's going to be pants when you're a size 14. Losing weight won't make all the rubbish going on in your life disappear. But it can help you be healthier."
So how did she gain so much weight in the first place?
"Some people eat because they're lonely and unhappy. I just ate a little too much of everything all the time. I never sat and ate 20 doughnuts, or munched my way through two chocolate bars, but if we went to a restaurant I'd always have a starter, a main course and cheese - lots of cheese. I made the wrong choices for many, many years."
Pauline is determined to lose another stone as she has always planned to lose 8st 7lbs. But although she loves shopping for new clothes and wearing jeans, she insists that she won't be tempted to lose any more.
"For me, this has all been about being healthy. I'm not trying to prove anything or be a size zero. When I've lost 8 1/2 stone, I'm not going to think, 'Oh, I'll just do another stone'. There's a lot of pressure on women with the images we're presented with.
"This isn't a case of fat girl jumping ship. I needed to do this. I was unhealthy."
Source: Aol
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