Tuesday 2 August 2011

Casey Anthony Probation

 Casey Anthony Probation- Casey Anthony, 25, who has been released from jail last month in Orlando without any restrictions for a murder trial case of her 2 year old  daughter Caylee, now will be required to serve a year of probation for check fraud charges.
Nobody knows where she is and what she is doing now as Anthony disappeared from public since she left jail. But she has to report to Florida probation officer until Thursday in light of the decision of the Orange Circuit Judge Stan Strickland signed amended court documents Monday requiring Anthony to serve one year of supervised probation as he originally intended when he sentenced her in a check fraud case last year.
Anthony pleaded guilty in January 2010 to check fraud charges resulting from purchases she made after Caylee's death using the checking account of one of Anthony's best friends.Anthony was sentenced to the 412 days she had already spent in jail, to be followed by a year of probation. According to the revised court order, she was supposed to start the one-year term after her release from jail, not while she was detained waiting for her murder trial. She will have to report in person by early Thursday. If she doesn't report, she'll be in violation of her probation, unless something legally happen.
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